Urban Barriera

URBAN BARRIERA DI MILANO Urban Barriera è un programma di sviluppo
urbano finalizzato a innescare un processo di
miglioramento complessivo dell’area di Barriera di
Milano, quartiere storico della zona Nord della
città di Torino:

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Barriera che...

Comitato Urban Barriera > English version > AXIS 2 | economic-employment

Pubblicato il 10 Settembre, 2014

AXIS 2 | economic-employment


> Supporting SME (Small and medium enterprises) investments;
> improving the economic infrastructure of the area;
> strengthening the cooperation between local entrepreneurs for marketing actions;
> sustaining the employment – training courses, transferring experiences and know‐how with regard to the improvement of human and professional resources;
> reducing school drop‐out;
> enhancing and evaluating immigrants' competences.


Facilito Barriera di Milano
The project sustains investments and boosts territory’s competitiveness. It provides a coaching service for the development of entrepreneurial projects, and economical incentives for micro enterprises that are existing or newly established in the area.
[+ info (in Italian)]

Area Manager
The project aims to foster policies for the promotion of the economic network of Barriera di Milano through initiatives that strengthen the role of business, improve customer’s services and increase the territory's attractiveness. The project aims to develop and implement, in collaboration with the local economic network, a program of territorial marketing activities.
[+ info (in Italian)]

The project is meant to offer expert advice to immigrants concerning the possibilities of obtaining recognition of qualifications gained abroad.
[+ info (in Italian)]

The project includes a series of actions for job placement. It is meant to receive and to orient resident population offering career guidance courses and curriculum counseling.
[+ info (in Italian)]

«Compiti insieme»
The project is intended to give an after school support for students who need an extra aid , strengthening their knowledge and helping them to regain motivation in order to reduce school drop‐out rates.
[+ info (in Italian)]
