Urban Barriera

URBAN BARRIERA DI MILANO Urban Barriera è un programma di sviluppo
urbano finalizzato a innescare un processo di
miglioramento complessivo dell’area di Barriera di
Milano, quartiere storico della zona Nord della
città di Torino:

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Urban Barriera di Milano

Urban Barriera is an urban regeneration program aimed at triggering an overall redevelopment process involving Barriera di Milano, an historical district of the northern part of Turin. Funded by the City of Turin, the Piedmont Region and the European Union, Urban Barriera deals with physical, economic, social and territorial aspects encouraging cooperation and productive interaction among all the actors and beneficiaries involved in the renewal process. 
Urban Barriera is the latest born of the urban regeneration programs implemented by the City of Turin since the mid-nineties, capitalizing on a rich experience in local development and integrated approach (a.i. The Gate Porta Palazzo, Urban 2 at Mirafiori).
Urban Barriera is a Local Development Integrated Program (PISU): the plan, which has a total cost of 35 million Euro, was drawn up by the City of Turin and financed with 20 million Euro by Piedmont Region through the European Funds POR FESR 2007-2013, and through municipal funds or other resources coming from additional agreements with Central and Regional Government for the realization of specific interventions.
Urban Barriera started in the first quarter of 2011.
The program consists in 34 interventions, defined by a process lasted nearly two years, which involved technical staff of the City and public and private subjects from the interested area, that through the activity of Circoscrizione 6 (District 6 Administration) forwarded its instances. 
Urban Barriera acts through four intervention axes: physical-environmental, economic-employment, socio-cultural and through a strong communication activity and social support.