Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >




Title: CWC - City Water Circles: Urban Cooperation Models for enhancing water efficiency and reuse in Central European functional urban areas with an integrated circular economy approach
EU funds to the project: 2,418,392.20 €, out of which 270,391.60 € to the City of Torino (100%)
Partners: Fővárosi Csatornázási Művek Zrt (HU), Poliedra - Centro di servizio e consulenza del Politecnico di Milano su pianificazione ambientale e territoriale (IT), Mariborski vodovod, javno podjetje, d.d. e E-zavod (SI), Miasto Bydgoszcz e Fundacja Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju (PL), Javna ustanova RERA SD za koordinacijui razvoj Splitsko dalmatinske županije e Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o. Split (HR), Fachvereinig ung Betriebsund Regenwasse rnutzung e.V. (DE)
Period: 36 months (April 2019-March 2022)
Contact: Cultural and Government Services Division - European Funds and Innovation Department; Environment Division; Urbanization Department
Description: The project aims to help municipalities reform outdated urban water infrastructure systems by applying a circular economy approach, which offers many economic and environmental benefits. This will be achieved by promoting a water saving culture, including the use of non-conventional water resources and by taking the lead in adopting urban rainwater harvesting and utilisation as well as greywater recovery measures on city level. The partners will join forces to create a knowledge base for urban circular water management. This will be made available as digital learning resources for all willing to learn more about the topic. The partners will also co-develop with local stakeholders a set of innovative methods and tools (cutting-edge technological and nature-based solutions, smart governance tools exploring novel cooperation and financing schemes) usable all around Central Europe.