Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >



Funding: 379,309.65 € (out of which 189,654.82 € funded by the EU, 149,654.83 € by national public funding, 40,000.00 € by the final beneficiary), di cui 13,696.00 € to the City of Torino
Lead partner: Fondazione Piazza dei Mestieri “Marco Andreoni” (IT)
Partners: City of Torino (IT), Fondazione per la Scuola della Compagnia di San Paolo (IT), Immaginazione e Lavoro (IT), CNR-IRCRES (IT), Istituto Psicoanalitico per le Ricerche Sociali (IT), City of Chambéry (FR), City of Liège (BE), Agrupamento de Escolas José Saramago di Palmela (PT), CJD Nord Amburgo (DE)
Period: 39 months (October 2018 - December 2021)
Contact: Decentralisation, Youth and Services Division - Youth Policies and Integration; European Funds and Innovation
Description: The project aim is to support good practices for the inclusion and integration of non-European minors through transnational exchanges in order to develop and increase the network of institutional and social actors which share tools, methods and procedures to assess the skills of young people coming from third countries.