Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >



Title: TO-NITE
Funding: 5,804,879.10 € out of which 3,235,843.50 to the City of Torino (for Italy: 80% financed by the EU, 20% with internal staff)
Lead Partner: City of Torino (IT)
Partners: Fondazione Torino Wireless (IT), Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa (IT), Experientia Srl (IT), SocialFare Srl (IT), EFUS (FR), Espereal (IT), ANCI (IT)
Period: 36 months (September 2019 - August 2022)
Contact: European Funds and Innovation Service
Description: ToNite starts from the assumption that during the night/evening time the urban “social protection” function in town is mainly accomplished by public security. The project’s main goal is to better understand urban social challenges and to address urban insecurity phenomena through collaborative policies based on social empowerment, active participation of residents and stakeholders and social and technological innovation. The city’s night policies will become a key element to improve the livability and accessibility of public spaces and the perceived security through new urban furniture and the activation of new night services, entrepreneurial ideas and models along the Dora River waterfront.