Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


RING - Transferring Support for Caregivers

Title: RING - Transferring Support for Caregivers
EU Funds to the project: 248.200 €, out of which 54,750 € to the City of Torino
Number of partners: 10 (3 of which are foreign partners)
Period: 24 months (November 2009 - October 2011)
Contact: Social Services and Relations with Health Authorities Division
Description: the project is aimed at transferring, at a European level, three tools supporting the aid relationships, produced by three members of the partnership and addressed to both professional and informal cares (family members) of the elderly suffering from senile dementia. The City of Torino, as project leader, is responsible for coordination.