Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


PROLITE - Procuring Lighting Innovation and Technology

Title: PROLITE - Procuring Lighting Innovation and Technology
EU Funds to the project: 2.058.766,00 € (95%), out of which 355.761,56 € to the City of Torino, 142.500,00 for financing 20% of an innovation tender (co-financing by the City through valorisation of internal staff for an amount equal to 17.788,08 €)
Partners: Greater London Authority - Transport for London, City of Bremen, Ente Vasco de la Energia, CONSIP, PIANO
Period: 48 months (September 2012 - September 2016)
Contact: European Funds, Development and Innovation Department; School-building Department; Educational Services Division; ITER; Mobility Department
Description: the projects aims at exploiting the leverage of public demand to stimulate the innovation on the market of public lighting. To this end the following activities are foreseen: demand analysis, market analysis and early market management, drafting of the documents for the call for tenders (with particular attention to the development of the requisites from the point of view of their functionality and to the evaluation criteria), risk management, opening the call for tenders, supplying. Torino takes part in cooperation and study activities finalized to the definition of procedures for and to the realization of an innovation tender for supplying new solutions in the field of school-building and takes also part in comparative and cooperation activities in the field of innovative tenders for traffic lights.