Città di Torino

International Affairs

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Lutte contre les discrimination dans la gestion des ressources des collectivités territoriales

Title: Lutte contre les discrimination dans la gestion des ressources des collectivités territoriales
EU funds for the project: 48.310 € (55%) entirely to the City of Lyon
Number of partners: 2 (of which 1 is a foreign partner)
Period: 4 months (September 2009 - December 2009)
Contact: Youth Division - Equal Opportunities and Gender Policies Department
Description: the project is focused on three main axes: a compared analysis (benchmarking) of prevention policies and fight against discrimination in the management of the human resources of the administrations (state of the art, legislation, valorization of the respective innovative practices); analysis of relevant indicators to elaborate a set of tools that could help taking into consideration the fight against discrimination and, particularly, men-women equality in their professional paths; dissemination of results.