Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


D.I.A.D.E.M. - Delivering Inclusive Access for Disabled or Elderly Members of the community)

Title: D.I.A.D.E.M. - Delivering Inclusive Access for Disabled or Elderly Members of the community)
EU funds for the project: 1,950,000 € (60,7%), of which 80,300 € to the City of Torino
Number of partners: 6 (5 of which foreign)
Period: 36 months (September 2006 - September 2009)
Contact: Property, Participations, Information Systems, Innovation and Integration Division
Description: the project aims at implementing the access to the information for people with difficulties. This project is based on the thesis that the Expert System Technology can be used to monitor inputs of users and personalize the assistance support. The project coordinator is Norsk Regnsentral (Norway). The City of Torino plays the role of checking and testing the prototype born within the project.