Città di Torino

International Affairs

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CROSS - Citizen Reinforcing Open Smart Synergies

Title: CROSS - Citizen Reinforcing Open Smart Synergies
EU Funds to the project: 5.473.000 € (50%), out of which 565.700 € to the City of (co-financing by the City through valorisation of internal staff for an amount equal to 279.000 €)
Partners: Poste Italiane, Community of S.Egidio, City of Rome, Manchester Digital Development Agency, Sparta Technologies, City of Seville, Everis, Tecnalia Research & Innovation, KAS Kultúra és Segélyegyle Alapítvány
Period: 36 months (January 2013 - December 2015)
Contact: Service for Disabled People - Passepartout
Description: the CROSS project aims at implementing the policies of Social Innovation which are relevant pillars of the Agenda Europe 2020. The Directorate of the European Commission that will follow the development of the project has already informally indicated the suitable steps of CROSS towards the SEPA (Single European Payment Area), eGovernment and Future Internet. The pilot initiative will take place in Rome, Torino, Seville, Manchester and Budapest. In each city the activities will directly involve the municipality, a services company and selected associations from the third sector. The final users globally involved will be more than 300.000.