Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


2000-2006 funding programmes

Funding for projects carried out by the City of Torino within the 2000-2006 EU funding programmes - POR, EQUAL COMMUNITY INITIATIVES, INTERREG, URBAN II AND OTHER COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES.

EU Programme UE funds for the submitted project Out of which to the City of Torino
POR 7.580.724  ~ 102.755
Equal 18.853.905 ~1.352.346
Interreg 1.859.297 ~413.287
Urban II 10.892.949 10.892.949
Total amount 39.186.875 12.761.337
Culture 50.000 NP
e-Learning 400.000 66.120
e-Ten 2.134.677 102.735
Twinning 31.000 31.000
Youth 12.299 9.050
Leonardo da Vinci 1.808.025 NP
Prince 107.955 30.850
R3L 114.000 15.276
Socrates 789.009 ~ 84.115
V Community Action Program on Equal Opportunities 327.625 ~ 19.600
VI Framework Program 9.739.560 390.210
Total amount 15.514.150 748.956
General total amount 54.701.025 13.510.293