Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


SCIE - Systems for Strengthening Training Enterprises

Title: SCIE - Systems for Strengthening Training Enterprises

EU funds for the project: Equal Fase II

Period: 24 months (February 2006 - February 2008)

Contact: Employment, Professional Training and Economic Development Division

Description: the project tackles the problem of sustainability and stabilisation of the entrepreneurial initiatives which operate in the field of education, work and training, targeting young people at risk. The most important output of the project is the creation of 3 territorial realities of educational enterprise, following the example of Torino "Piazza dei Mestieri", Square of the Crafts - as well as Milano, Napoli and Catania - enabled to be competitive on the market setting aside public support. The objectives of the project are the creation of direct occupation in the different activities of the "Piazza" and the creation of indirect occupation through the offer of people specialised in reference crafts to the territory, the reduction of school and training dispersion, the support to the start-up of new social and non social enterprises. The City of Torino takes part in the support network of the project and joined the agreement protocol with the other members.