Città di Torino

International Affairs

Città di Torino > Relazioni e cooperazione internazionale >


CAR.TE.S.I.O. - Prison and Territory Integrated Operational Systems

Title: CAR.TE.S.I.O. - Prison and Territory Integrated Operational Systems

EU funds for the project: 914,377 € (95.1 %) - Equal Phase I

Period: 30 months (October 2002 - April 2005)

Contact: Employment, Professional Training and Economic Development Division

Description: brought to a close in April 2005, the project aimed at combating discrimination in the social and working integration of prisoners and ex-inmates. Actions thus focused on reducing the fragmentation of initiatives focused on labor force integration, and boosting the diversification of jobs available both inside and outside prisons, and the dissemination of results. The City of Torino, along with other local governments through their respective welfare bodies, participated in the interim meetings of the project as an essential actor for the realization of an ongoing coordination of labor and welfare policies. The project was headed by Training Institute Casa di Carità, with the partnership extending to the City of Torino, Regional Penitentiary Administration Authority, and the Piedmont Regional Union of Confcooperative.