Urban Renewal

City of Turin > Urban Regeneration > Urban Renewal

Urban Renewal

The Urban Recovery Programmes (PRU) are complex programmes of transformation and re-qualification of decayed publicly owned neighbourhoods. They are submitted by Municipalities to Regions and funded then by Gescal funds (Social Housing Funds). PRU interventions mainly concern constructions and city planning. Nevertheless, Piedmont Region decided to follow the CIP Urban methodology, focusing on the integrated approach (at city planning, construction, social and environmental level) with the purpose of taking into consideration residents' needs. In order to respond to the Regional guidelines, the City of Turin launched and funded with its own funds the PAS (Social Accompaniment Plans) in the three PRU areas, charging external subjects for their realisation. The PAS consist in the realisation of communication, participation and social support actions, as well as community and local development.

  • Via Artom
  • Corso Grosseto
  • Via Ivrea