Lisa Strömbeck

Danmark / Danimarca / Denmark

Fotografia / Photography


A volte viaggiando scopri cose che ti fanno cambiare la percezione del mondo e ti fanno capire chi sei e di cosa hai veramente bisogno nella vita…
È nata nel 1966. Fondatrice del gruppo artistico LAB. Organizzatrice di Shoot, pellicole di artisti, nel febbraio 2000. Mostre PERSONALI. 1998: "At home", Galleri Box, Gothenburg. 1997: "Country", Galleri Campbells Occasionally, Copenhagen. 1996: "I’ll do", Galleri Campbells Occasionally, Copenhagen; "A love inventory", The Garage, Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Amburgo. 1995: "Loveliest", Galleri Saga Basement, Copenhagen. MOSTRE COLLETTIVE/PROIEZIONI. 1999: LAB Overgaden-Kulturministeriets exhibitionspace, Copenhagen; Annebølle Amar, Gallery Tommy Lund, Copenhagen; Videoprogramme, Galerie Voges und Deisen, Francoforte. 1998: Nordic Nomads, White Columns, New York; Artgenda Review, Stadtgalerie, Kiel; Videorama - for lovers only, Depot, Vienna; B&B Unlimited, Galerie des Archives, Parigi; Boomerang, Nikolaj Udstillingsbyggning, Copenhagen; Nuit Blanche-Scènes nordiques les années 90, Musée d’Art Moderne, Parigi.

Sometimes when you travel you discover things that makes you change perception of the world, and makes you realize who you are and what you really need in life…
Born in 1966. Founder of the artist group lab. Organizer of Shoot, moving pictures by artists in February 2000. SOLO EXHIBITIONS. 1998: "At Home", Gallery Box, Gothenburg. 1997: "Country", Gallery Campbells Occasionally, Copenhagen. 1996: "I’ll do", Gallery Campbells Occasionally, Copenhagen; "A love inventory", The Garage, Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Hamburg. 1995: "Loveliest", Gallery Saga Basement, Copenhagen. Group Exhibitions/screenings. 1999: LAB, Overgaden-Kulturministeriets exhibitionspace, Copenhagen; Annebølle Amar, Gallery Tommy Lund, Copenhagen; Videoprogramme, Galerie Voges und Deisen, Frankfurt am Main. 1998: Nordic Nomads, White Columns, New York; Artgenda Review, Stadtgalerie, Kiel; Videorama - for lovers only, Depot, Vienna; B&B Unlimited, Galerie des Archives, Paris; Boomerang, Nikolaj Udstillingsbyggning, Copenhagen; Nuit Blanche-Scènes nordiques les années 90, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris.